Live Event Photography

Photography is something dance organizations need each season. Our schedule during the Spring is slotted with competitions, performances and recitals. The Fall brings back more competitions and adds workshops to the mix. The Winter delights us with Christmas-themed performances and ballets.

We take great pride in being allowed to capture all of these wonderful memories. It is our honor to work with dance schools and organizations alike throughout North Carolina into Virginia. Taking a small part in the developmental years of these children’s lives doesn’t go unnoticed by us, and we are glad to serve the dance and arts community.

Live Event Photography

Photography is something dance organizations need each season. Our schedule during the Spring is slotted with competitions, performances and recitals. The Fall brings back more competitions and adds workshops to the mix. The Winter delights us with Christmas-themed performances and ballets.

We take great pride in being allowed to capture all of these wonderful memories. It is our honor to work with dance schools and organizations alike throughout North Carolina into Virginia. Taking a small part in the developmental years of these children’s lives doesn’t go unnoticed by us, and we are glad to serve the dance and arts community.

Action/Candid Shots

We focus on capturing the best moments during your child’s performance. Our cameras don’t stop shooting throughout the whole number which guarantees great candid photographs. Our experience with dance gives us the leverage of anticipating dancer’s routines. This allows us to get those memorable shots you will love.

During the performance, we shoot center-framed on the stage for the best results. Performers are photographed more favorably from this angle and we don’t miss any aspect of the routine.

Solo numbers are shot tightly cropped maximizing the subject in the frame and making sure not to cut off arms or legs. We want you to have a beautifully composed image just in case you want to hang it on your wall.

Group Performances are shot with the same regard but are cropped wider to accommodate the amount of people in the frame.

Posed Portraits

Posed Portraits are done on a backdrop with strobe lights. We offer this set-up at dance competitions and end-of-year performances and recitals. This is a great opportunity to capture your child in his or her costume in a professional setting.

It’s not just for individual pictures, but also for groups. Many of the competition award winners are photographed along with their trophies.

Delivered Media Format

You are able to view and purchase the photos at the event as well as online. We can deliver your photos using a USB drive, CD or you may download them electronically. Each image comes with a full copyright license and you are free to use them however you wish (including printing).